How to load a torrent file on Deluge

Learn how to load a torrent on Deluge and download files.

Updated over a week ago

Downloading torrents on Deluge is pretty much similar to adding torrents using other popular torrent clients like ruTorrent, uTorrent, Vuze and other.

Step 1

Click on the “Add” button, the green cross icon on the upper left side of the dashboard.

Step 2

a splash screen will be displayed allowing you to either upload the .torrent file or paste the magnet link/url of the .torrent file.

In the Files tab you can see the list of the files your torrent has.

Step 3

Once you're ready, click on the Add button to finish loading your torrent files.

Please note:

Files downloaded are stored on your seedbox and not directly to your local PC/machine.

If you wish to download files from the seedbox to your local machine and not sure how please refer to the following guide: How to transfer files from your Seedbox to your local device with Filezilla.

Tip: If you are downloading and uploading torrents from a public tracker, it’s best to turn on DHT from the Preferences. If you have torrents from private trackers, turn off DHT for better peering.

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