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A Step-by-Step Guide to Transferring Files with SCP: An Easy to Follow Example!
A Step-by-Step Guide to Transferring Files with SCP: An Easy to Follow Example!

To how use command line to transfer files between devices while staying secure.

Updated over a week ago

Overview πŸ™‚

Are you looking for another way to transfer files from your Seedbox to your local machine or from your local machine to your seedbox? Is FileZilla not working for your needs?

Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) is a powerful tool that allows you to securely transfer files between computers. It is used mostly in Linux-based operating systems. This guide is designed to give you a step-by-step example of how to transfer files using SCP.

Introduction to SCP

Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) is a network protocol that allows you to securely transfer files from one computer to another. It uses SSH (Secure Shell) for secure data transfer and authentication. It is a simple, yet powerful, tool for securely transferring files between computers.

SCP is an invaluable tool for system administrators, as it allows them to securely transfer files between remote servers. It is also useful for developers who need to quickly transfer files between their development environment and a staging or production environment.

Overview of SCP Command ➿

The basic command for SCP is scp, followed by the source file, the destination file, and the user credentials. For example:

scp /path/to/local/file username@remote_host:/path/to/remote/directory

The scp the command can also be used with options and flags to customize the transfer. Some of the most common options are -v (verbose output), -C (compression), and -P (port). We'll explore these options in more detail later in this guide.

Setting up Your SCP Environment 🏞️

Before transferring files with SCP, you'll need to set up the environment. This includes setting up SSH keys and configuring the SSH connection.

First, you'll need to generate SSH keys. You can do this with the ssh-keygen command. This will generate a pair of public and private keys. The public key will authenticate the connection, while the private key will encrypt the transferred data.

Once you've generated the SSH keys, you'll need to configure the SSH connection. You can do this by editing the ~/.ssh/config file. You'll need to add the following lines to the file:

Host hostname> User username> IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key_name>

This will set up the SSH connection between the two computers. Once the environment is set up, you'll be ready to start transferring files with SCP.

Examples of SCP Commands

Now that your environment is set up, let's look at some examples of SCP commands. We'll explore three common scenarios: transferring a file from the local machine to a remote server, transferring a file from a remote server to the local machine, and transferring a file from one remote server to another.

SECTION 4.1. Transfer a File from Local to Remote Server

To transfer a file from the local machine to a remote server, you can use the following command:

scp source_file> user>@destination_host>:destination_file

For example, if you wanted to transfer a file named my_file.txt from the local machine to a remote server with the username user, you could use the following command:

scp my_file.txt user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/

This will securely transfer the file from the local machine to the remote server.

SECTION 4.2. Transfer a File from Remote to Local Server

You'll need to use the same command to transfer a file from a remote server to the local machine, but with the source and destination files reversed. For example, if you wanted to transfer a file named remote_file.txt from the remote server to the local machine, you could use the following command:

scp user@remote_host:/path/to/source/remote_file.txt /path/to/destination

This will securely transfer the file from the remote server to the local machine.

SECTION 4.3. Transfer a File from Remote to Remote Server

To transfer a file from one remote server to another, you'll need to use the same command but with the user credentials for both the source and destination servers. For example, if you wanted to transfer a file named remote_file.txt from a remote server with the username scp_user1 to a remote server with the username scp_user2, you could use the following command:

scp user1@remote_host1:/path/to/source/remote_file.txt


This will securely transfer the file from the first remote server to the second remote server.

SCP Options & Flags

The scp command can also be used with options and flags to customize the transfer. Let's take a look at some of the most common options and flags.

SECTION 5.1. SCP Verbose Output

The -v flag can be used to get a verbose output from the scp command. This will show you detailed information about the transfer, such as the progress, transfer rate, and any errors that occur.

SECTION 5.2. SCP Compression

The -C flag can be used to enable compression of the data being transferred. This can reduce the amount of time it takes to transfer the file and the amount of data that needs to be transferred.


The -P flag can be used to specify the port to use for the transfer. By default, SCP will use port 22, but you can use this flag to specify a different port.

**Note that for RapidSeedbox users to use Port 2222

Security Best Practices for Using SCP

It's important to follow security best practices when using SCP. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Use strong passwords for your SSH keys.

  • Use two-factor authentication for your SSH keys.

  • Keep your SSH keys safe and secure.

  • Use a trusted SCP server.

  • Monitor your SCP logs for suspicious activity.

  • Use secure protocols (such as SFTP or SCP) when transferring sensitive data.

  • Disable root login for your SCP server.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your data is securely transferred when using SCP.


Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) is an invaluable tool for securely transferring files between computers. This guide has provided you with a step-by-step example of how to transfer files with SCP. We've explored the basic command for SCP, setting up the environment, examples of SCP commands, SCP options and flags, and security best practices for using SCP. With this guide, you should be able to easily transfer files with SCP.

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