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Reinstall Your Seedbox via the VPS Control Panel

Learn how to reset your Seedbox to our best practice factory settings or re-install it with a minimal/different operating system.

Updated over a week ago

Sometimes we need a fresh start. In this article, we’ll explain how you can reinstall your Seedbox in 3 simple steps.

Common use cases for Seedbox Reinstallation:

  1. You currently use an old template of ours and wish to benefit from new features.

  2. Something didn't go as expected during a custom install, and you wish to reset your Seedbox to factory settings.

  3. You simply want to wipe all the data and start from scratch.

Note, that reinstalling doesn't accord to /home/user/ directory. All files there will be untouched. Only installed app will be deleted.

Note, if you need also delete ALL files.

  1. Connect to box via ssh

  2. Run next command: sudo touch /data/.delme

  3. Reinstall system from VPS Control Panel

Please note: Reinstalling your Seedbox WILL wipe all your data, so we highly recommend doing a backup of the important files to a cloud service or your local desktop. We do not provide back-ups!!

Step 1 - Login to the VPS Control Panel ✅

To view your Control Panel credentials, visit Services in your Client Area and look for the Seedbox Control Panel credentials card for your login details.

Enter your credentials and click Login.

Step 2 - Reinstalling your Seedbox 💻

To reinstall your Seedbox, choose the Seedbox you wish to reinstall and click on the Hostname or the Manage button to enter.

Then, click the Reinstall button.

A list of available templates will appear as follows:

Choose your template from the list (screenshot above) and click on Reinstall again to start the reinstallation process. (this process takes up to 10 minutes, so please be patient.)

Another important thing: if you see the [OVZ7] prefix in the current operating system field, you should pick [OVZ7] templates only! Re-installation using the incorrect template will destroy your box irreversibly, which means won’t be able to operate further and will require the help of our support team!

For experienced users, we provide minimal barebone templates which can be customized in many ways. They are basic light images dedicated to customization 🙂

Please note: When the reinstallation is performed, you will need to update your passwords related to all existing services and torrent clients. Only your root password stays the same.

Step 3 - Reset your services password 🔎

When you reinstall your Seedbox, the first thing to do is reset your password.

To do that, please refer to How to Change your Seedbox Password.

If you can't log into SSH, updating the root password is quite easy and can be accomplished as follows:

  • Click on Root/Admin Password while managing your Seedbox via the Control Panel, type your new password, and click on Change to apply.

We recommend following the Random Password Generator to generate an 8-letter string consisting of mixed alphanumeric characters and symbols. To be sure you have a secure password, or as an optional password generator tool, you can go to a Password Meter website too.

  • After you’ve changed your root password, you need to do the following steps depending on your local platform.

  1. Windows – Remove existing sessions in your SSH client (Putty)

  2. Linux – Issue this command:

    ssh-keygen -R YOUR_SEEDBOX_IP
  3. Mac OS – Open a terminal and issue this command:

    ssh-keygen -R YOUR_SEEDBOX_IP

You should be able to log in via SSH like before. If you are unsure how to log in via SSH, please check this article: How to Connect to Your Seedbox using SSH

I don't know what to do next...

If you need any assistance, let us know by opening a chat in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. We're here to help 😄

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