Automatic Plex Collections in 6 easy steps

Love movie series? Want to automate movie collections inside Plex? Learn how in 6 easy-to-follow steps!

Updated over a week ago

Introduction 👣

If you have an extensive library, at some point, you'll want to find a way to make organizing your Plex easier. Today, we'll show how to automate movie collections inside Plex in just six steps!

  1. Head to your Plex Media Server and click on your Movie library 🎥

  2. Click Library on the top action button bar 🏗️

  3. Click the Icon Button for playlist creation 📔

  4. Make sure "Match all of the following" is set 😏

  5. Type in the Collection Name you'd like to use 📛

  6. SAVE!! ✅

If you want to combine a larger collection like The Marvel Cinematic Universe, you will change Step 4 to use the alternative selection.

But continue to add Title > Contains for each of your favorite Avengers films

i.e. Deadpool > Black Panther > Guardians Of The Galaxy > Thor > Avengers etc...

I don't know what to do next...

If you need any assistance, let us know by opening a chat in the bottom right corner of your screen. We're here to help 😄

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