If you’re using rTorrent, you’re probably wondering how to move completed torrents automatically! An example of why using the rTorrent AutoTools feature can be helpful is when you’re using a sync program to transfer finished downloads between devices or using one of the many *Arr programs. This guide will show you how to move completed torrents based on Sonarr and Radarr labels.
Let’s begin!
Open rTorrent Settings
Next, we click on AutoTools in the panel on the left:
Now we are greeted by a blank AutoTools screen:
It’s time to click the box next to, Enable “AutoLabel” feature, Template. This allows you to set the rule that rtorrent looks to when handling completed downloads. This could also be set to Tracker if you have a specified folder for trackers.
Also, click the box next to, Enable “AutoMove” if torrent’s label matches filter.
Now we can set the labels rTorrent will use for automove. Please note if you have set a custom label within Sonarr or Radarr, then you’ll want to make sure you input the correct label here otherwise, it will not work.
Finally, we can set the output folder for matching completed downloads. For this guide, we are moving completed Sonarr and Radarr downloads to the SyncFolder of the home directory of the user. Additionally, in the drop-down menu next to Operation Type, you have the option to choose then how downloads are placed in the SyncFolder. In most cases, you’ll either choose Move or Hard Link.
What to do if you don't see folder that was created by you?
If you created folder via FTP (Filezilla) - all be ok, but if you did it by SSH check next things:
Folder that was created by root user, will have owner root and you need to change it to user:user. Run: chown user:user folder_name
Set permissions 777 for folder: Run: chmod 777 folder_name
Finally - YOU DID IT!
We have completed our AutoTools setup and you will now be able to sit back and let the automation work! Using ruTorrent setting and using AutoTool as we have here is just one of the ways you can ensure your completed downloads are getting to the right destination. If you’d like to explore more options, please click HERE.
I don't know what to do next...
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